Creating and Modifying Your Browser Client


In order to use the browser client, a new design must be created for the browser client. Navigate to the "APP BUILDER" from Pegasus, open the "DESIGN" tab and click "New Design".

When creating a new design, please note that the checkmark is set to "Browserclient".


In the design, you can now select display properties for the browser client, e.g. functions, colors and logo.

You can edit all blocks of text and descriptions used in the browser client in the "Translations" section.


If you are happy with the settings, you can save your design in the next step.


Return to the Pegasus interface and open the browser client settings via the menu tab "My app" and "Browser client". Using the "Features & Design" selection, you can define which design from the app builder should be actively used in your browser client. In addition, you can opt to provide your own Google Analytics code, which is then used to report on user activity in your browser client.


Don't forget to save!

Click on the preview button to see your browser client in action - saved changes become live immediately. The open URL is the direct path to the live version of your browser client and be used in external links. 

In the following articles you will find instructions on further options for browser client integration. 



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