Roles & Rights in the Workbench

If you want to assign different roles and rights to the users of your publication(s), you can do this in the user management in the Workbench. You can find this under "My app > User management".

In order for the roles and rights defined there to be taken into account by the system, you must have the function activated once by our service team.

Clicking on the name of the user opens the overview of the publications and the roles assigned to each, and the associated rights, for each publication. If the roles are marked green, they are active. By clicking on the cross, all permissions for this publication are revoked from the user.

What roles are there and what rights do they have?

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Admin - always has all roles and rights
User - must have roles and rights assigned by admin

• All rights and roles always apply per publication
• If the admin role is withdrawn from a user, the user retains all rights that were assigned to him at that time



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