Guide: Creating Push Keys (Apple)


How do I create a Push Key?

It is now possible to use Push Keys instead of Push Certificates for iOS push notifications. The advantage is that Push Keys do not need to be renewed and you only need a single push key for all your apps, instead of an individual push certificate for each individual app. Follow the steps below to create a new push key. 

1. Sign into your Apple Developer account. 


2. From the dashboard overview, click on “Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles” and then choose "Keys” from the menu on the left.


3. To generate a new key, click on the blue "+" symbol. 


4. In the next step, you will be prompted to name your key. Do so, then select the first checkbox before clicking on "Continue".


5. You will be given the opportunity to review your input before registering the key. 


6. You can now download your key, when finished click “Done”.


How do I upload my Push Key to the App Builder?


If you would like to perform this step on your own, follow the instructions listed below. 

1. Log into the Workbench and choose the publication you would like to use the push key for. From the navigation bar go to "My App" and  then click on "App Builder" in the drop-down menu. You will be directed to the App Builder backend. 



2. Click on "Publish" and then on "Apple Store".  

3. Under the section "Create an Apple Distribution Build", click on "Edit". 


4. On this page, you can upload your certificates and push key(.p8). Click on choose file to select the p8 file from your computer. To upload the file and save these settings, click on "Update Apple App Distribution Setting". 


5. Please also send a copy of the authentication key file to and let us know that your Apple app settings have been updated. The PressMatrix Service Team needs this file to make some adjustments to our internal configurations, so that your app recognizes the new settings. 

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