The distribution of Apple Enterprise Apps for iOS requires a so-called manifest. This acts as an instruction for each terminal device to install App Store-independent apps.
Please follow the steps below:
1. Prepare the web server
Prepare access to a Web server accessible through HTTPS. A access via FTP or SCP is required.
2. Upload the app binary on server
Upload the app binary file (.ipa) for iOS sent by PressMatrix to your Web server using FTP/SCP.
3. Create manifest for installation
Create a file "manifest.plist" with the following structure, and replace the following values with the information that corresponds to your app:
Full web address URL to your app Binary (.ipa) on your web server (https: //). - Bundle-Identifier
The bundle ID for your app can be found in the PressMatrix App Production E-mail - Bundle-Version
The bundle version for your app can be found in the PressMatrix app production e-mail - Title
Name of your app
Example manifest.plist:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Mein App Name</string>
4. Upload mainfest on server
Upload the manifest for iOS using FTP / SCP to your web server.
5. Create the installation-link
Create an ITMS Services link (iTunes Music Store) with the full Web address of your manifest file as a parameter (URL)
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