Inviting PressMatrix to your Google Play account

In order for PressMatrix to be able to configure apps on your behalf, you must first invite a PressMatrix user to join your Google Play Developer Console. The steps to invite the PressMatrix user to your Google Play Developer Console, including the required permission level, are outlined in this guide.

Note: Requirements for the following workflows

  • An active Google Play Developer Account
  • Your personal Google Play Developer invitation details by PressMatrix

If you haven't received your invitation details yet, please contact out service team at

1. Open the Google Play Developer Console
Open the Google Play Developer Console and log in using your organisations admin account.

2. Open the "Settings" section
Please select "Settings" from the left side menu of the Google Play Developer Console.

3. User accounts overview
Navigatate to the overview of all active users for your account by choosing "User accounts & rights" from the "Settings" menu.

4. Inviting a new user
Open the form for a new user invitation by clicking the button "Invite new user" on the top.

5. User details and roles
The form for a new user asks you for the receipient's email address and its roles. Please provide the information PressMatrix sent to you via email. In case you did not receive invitation details for Google Play Developer, please contact us at

Please see the following screenshot and define the roles for this user.  

6. Verification email is sent
The resulting page will show you the details about the just sent invitation. PressMatrix will now receive this invitation and will accept it within 48 hours.


7. Grant access
As soon as PressMatrix accepted your invitation you'll receive an email by Google about the acceptance. Please log in to your Google Play Developer Console, navigate to the "User accounts overview" (See 1- to 3.) and confirm the invitation by choosing "Grant access" from the users menu on the right.


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