Change to Browser Client Version 3 (2017)

Preview of browser client version 3

Before you upgrade your browser client to the new version, you should check the preview of the new version. To preview the new version, proceed as follows

  1. Log into the Pegasus Workbench -
  2. Open the browser client settings via the menu item "MY APP"
  3. There you will find the "Preview V3" button


Activate / deactivate additional functions in the design

With the new version of the browser client, a few new features are introduced, which you can enable / disable in the app builder. Before you upgrade to the new version, you should review the settings in your browser client design again and possibly expand them.

There are also innovations in translations. All texts and descriptions can now be edited and saved separately from the apps. In the "Translations" section, there is now a separate section with "Browserclient" translations at the bottom of the page.

Create and edit the browser client

New functions in the browser client

Additional links

In the mobile apps and the browser client, you can already place links to your website or other online offers. With the introduction of the new version of the browser client, we are separating the links from platforms. This gives you the possibility to play links for the mobile apps and the browser client, separate from each other. 

To get to the new "LINKS BROWSERCLIENT" area in Pegasus, you can also go to the menu "MY APP".


Activation of browser client version 3

If you have looked at the new version via the preview function and checked the settings in the design, you can continue with the activation of the new version. The necessary steps to activate it depend on how you have currently integrated the browser client: 

1) Embedding / linking the default URL 

  • the new URL of the browser client must be adapted to all your sites
  • get new URL via the "Preview V3" button in the "BROWSERCLIENT" area
  • URL changes minimally from https://bc.pressmatri... to https://bc-v3.pressmatri...

2) Integration on own subdomain (CNAME redirection)

  • manual changeover by PressMatrix required
  • short email ( with information about the publication and the request to switch

3) Integration as iFrame

  • enable the new "iFrame Mode" in your browser design in the App Builder
  • adjust the URL of the browser client used in the code (from https://bc.pressmatri ... to https://bc-v3.pressmatri ...)


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