Pegasus Workbench - Tutorial


The Pegasus Workbench is the interface in which you edit the content of your app. Here, among other things, you will upload the PDFs of your editions, enrich them and publish them in the next step.

In the following video you will get a first introduction to the Pegasus Workbench and the available settings and options. In order to have the english version, please activate the subtitles in the video.




  • Pegasus has three hierarchies: organization (your publisher / company), publication (app) and editions. From the Home screen, go to the issues overview by opening your publication, then selecting Issues.
  • You can preview and test already published editions, whose publication date has not yet been reached. You can create the preview app in your App Builder under "Design" and "Preview App". In the Live app, the output is only visible when the release date is reached.







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