Transferring Apps to a different Developer Account



  • Apple apps cannot be transferred if iCloud ownership rights have been activated for the app ID. 

1. Apple

Transferring an app to an existing Apple developer account is quite easy if the Team Agent of the original account has these two pieces of information of target account:

  • Apple ID of the team agent of the recipient
  • Team ID of the recipient

From the original account, the transfer can be requested via the app overview page in the "App information" section ("Additional information" and "Transfer app") exclusively by the account owner (Team Agent). After being accepted by the owner of the target account, the transfer is complete.

(see Transferring Apps)

After the transfer, new certificates need to be created because certificates are unique to an account. 


2. Google

For app transfers, Google requires an active Google Wallet account in both the original Developer Account and the target Developer Account to transfer apps (as Transaction IDs must be provided).

The following details are needed:

-Title and package name of the app
- Developer name of the original account
- Email address of the owners of the original and target accounts
- Google Wallet Transaction ID of the original and target accounts

The application form for the move: Transferring form

After submitting the form, Google usually takes 1-2 business days to complete the review. If everything is complete and correct, Google will transfer the app.


What changes for the end user?

The app is available to users during the transfer process without interruption. Users will only see an update on the mobile device. Once the app has been updated, the name of the publisher will be changed in the app overview within the respective app stores.



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